
Framework providing definitions, operational typology and review of EU strategies for rural areas

• Rural policy responses do not mean only those of rural development policy only. Cohesion and Regional funds and their synergies should be made more explicit beyond their respective policy boundaries • Rural development policy does not mean supporting mainly the agricultural sector and farm incomes but should, equally focus on rural society more broadly, the rural economy and rural environment • A EU long-term vision for rural areas should be based upon the overarching objective of well-being in rural areas.

[SHERPA] - Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors

Gather relevant knowledge and opinions that contribute to the formulation of recommendations for future policies relevant to EU rural areas. It will create a science-society-policy interface which provides a hub for knowledge and policy.

Agricultural shocks and drivers of livelihood precariousness across Indian rural communities

• We provide a typology of communities based on their access to common-pool resources • The influence of capitals and climatic shocks on livelihoods is spatially variable • The type of community modifies livelihood opportunities and coping strategies • Climatic shocks drive precarious livelihoods, except in best-connected communities